show vpex bpe statistics

show vpex bpe {slot slot_num} {statistics} {detail}


Shows bridge port extender (BPE) statistics.

Syntax Description

vpex Specifies Virtual Port Extender (VPEX).
bpe Bridge port extender (BPE).
slot Specifies a specific BPE by slot number.
slot_num Specifies a specific BPE by slot number.
statistics Specifies BPE statistics information and control plane protocol.

Shows detailed BPE statistics information and control plane protocol.

When detail is excluded, only non-zero statistics appear; when detail is included, non-zero and zero statistics appear.



Usage Guidelines

This command displays information on a per-BPE basis (cascade ports can be LAG members). If the detail option is not used, only non-zero counts appear.


The following example shows non-detailed statistics information for all BPEs. In this case, there is only one BPE attached at port: 1:45 and assigned to slot 100:

# show vpex bpe statistics
BPE Statistics

BPE: d8:84:66:88:98:2b   Cascade Port: 1:45  Slot: 100
Description: Floor1

  txRequests      : 23432       rxResponses     : 23432
  txResponses     : 52          rxRequests      : 52
  rxrqErrors      : 0           rxrspErrors     : 0

  Standard Statistics
                    TX Requests                      RX Responses
  cspOpen         : 1                                1
  echanRegister   : 2                                2
  orgSpecific     : 23429                            23429

                    TX Responses                     RX Requests
  cspOpen         : 1                                1
  extPortCreate   : 47                               47
  statusParamSet  : 4                                4

  Organizationally Specific Statistics
                    TX Requests                      RX Responses
  frmSzeLimSet    : 47                               47
  getBulk         : 15488                            15488
  qCountersGet    : 7789                             7789
  qTrafShaperSet  : 51                               51
  defPrtQoSParSet : 47                               47
  dtaCtlTrfPriSet : 6                                6
  ipInterfaceSet  : 1                                1

                    RX Requests                      TX Responses
  No Valid Statistics

The following example shows detailed statistics information for all BPEs. In this case, there is only one BPE attached at port: 1:45 and assigned to slot 100:

# show vpex bpe statistics detail
BPE Statistics

BPE: d8:84:66:88:98:2b   Cascade Port: 1:45  Slot: 100

  txRequests      : 23630       rxResponses     : 23630
  txResponses     : 52          rxRequests      : 52
  rxrqErrors      : 0           rxrspErrors     : 0

  Standard Statistics
                    TX Requests                      RX Responses
  cspOpen         : 1                                1
  extPortCreate   : 0                                0
  extPortDelete   : 0                                0
  portParamSet    : 0                                0
  portParamGet    : 0                                0
  statusParamSet  : 0                                0
  echanRegister   : 2                                2
  echanRegGet     : 0                                0
  statisticsGet   : 0                                0
  transitDelaySet : 0                                0
  objectGet       : 0                                0
  objectSet       : 0                                0
  cnParamGet      : 0                                0
  cnParamSet      : 0                                0
  orgSpecific     : 23627                            23627
  unsupported     : 0                                0

                    TX Responses                     RX Requests
  cspOpen         : 1                                1
  extPortCreate   : 47                               47
  extPortDelete   : 0                                0
  portParamSet    : 0                                0
  portParamGet    : 0                                0
  statusParamSet  : 4                                4
  echanRegister   : 0                                0
  echanRegGet     : 0                                0
  statisticsGet   : 0                                0
  transitDelaySet : 0                                0
  objectGet       : 0                                0
  objectSet       : 0                                0
  cnParamGet      : 0                                0
  cnParamSet      : 0                                0
  orgSpecific     : 0                                0
  unsupported     : 0                                0

  Organizationally Specific Statistics
                    TX Requests                      RX Responses
  reload          : 0                                0
  swapImg         : 0                                0
  imageInfoGet    : 0                                0
  trstdPrtInfGet  : 0                                0
  poeParamSet     : 0                                0
  portCfgSet      : 0                                0
  portOpStatGet   : 0                                0
  frmSzeLimSet    : 47                               47
  frmSzeLimGet    : 0                                0
  lagBalAlgSet    : 0                                0
  ecpParamSet     : 0                                0
  cbMsgRefl       : 0                                0
  envGet          : 0                                0
  closeNotif      : 0                                0
  getBulk         : 15620                            15620
  localMirrSet    : 0                                0
  debugInfoGet    : 0                                0
  qCountersGet    : 7857                             7857
  qTrafShaperSet  : 51                               51
  cpuUtilGet      : 0                                0
  diagSet         : 0                                0
  addtlCapSet     : 0                                0
  defPrtQoSParSet : 47                               47
  dtaCtlTrfPriSet : 6                                6
  ipInterfaceSet  : 1                                1
  lagSet          : 0                                0
  portCntrClear   : 0                                0
  poeFltReasGet   : 0                                0
  eeeSet          : 0                                0
  poeGlobParmSet  : 0                                0
  tftpDownload    : 0                                0
  sfpNotifSet     : 0                                0
  diagInfoGet     : 0                                0
  unsupported     : 0                                0

                    RX Requests                      TX Responses
  POE Notif       : 0                                0
  cbMsgRefl       : 0                                0
  sfpNotif        : 0                                0
  unsupported     : 0                                0


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching 5420 and 5520 series switches, and Extreme 7520-48Y switches.